A look at a typical Homeless Naton Workshop, held at the Gathering Place, Vancouver BC 2008. This week the group discussed how they felt about the 2010 Olympics and the protests that have been ongoing in this city.
Snow DaySnow Day with Trevor and Devin! How to keep yourself warm in this crazy Vancouver weather. Edited by Chris, Filmed by Trevor and Devin
A Man Name Red in VictoriaLauren calling attention to the Provincial budget's failure to
seriously address Housing and Homelessness, and at the federal level-- the need
for a permanent national low-income housing program.
Homeless Nation interviews the "STAND for Housing-Homes for All!" location of Main and 33rd avenue where the residents are taking a stand to protect their 224 low income residential units from rezoningNathan Nathan talks to us about his strenghts, the importance of peer positions, the need to speak for yourself, how to prevent homlessness, and what the ministry could be doing different.
Victor Ben talks about his proposal to bring post secondary education to the streets.Entry Denied
Introduction to the Common Experience Payment for Survivors of Residential Schools: who's eligible, and how to apply.
CEP Part 2 Details on the Common Experience Payment for Residential School Survivors.police violence newby derek takes the camera out for the 1st timeVictor Paul has lived on the Streets of Victoria, British Columbia - Canada for the past 10 years. He has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Victoria. He writes poetry and stories which he sells for a buck or two on the streets where he chooses to live to allow him to continue to write. Hear this in his own words.Six County Written and read by Paul F. Burnside on January 3, 2007 in downtown Victoria, British Columbia - Canada.Levee 2008 Read by author Paul F. Burnside in Victoria, British Columbia - Canada on January 3, 2008The Hen and the Chalk Written by Paul F. Burnside on January 2, 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia - Canada. Read by the Author.Harassment by VPD Real talk about harassment and brutality at the hands of Vancouver Police Department and how it has increased as we approach the 2010 games. Thanks to all those who interviewed for this video. Filmed by Devin, Edited by ChrisBed Bugs Joel talks to us about his life on the streets of Vancouver.James Christmas Blaahhhs.Okay, so it’s the holidays, this can be a tricky time of year, especially when you are homeless or poor. Watch the video to get some suggestions about how to cope with this time of year.
If you choose to drink, remember that alcohol is depressant meanings it can make you feel worse and even heighten symptoms of depression.
Be safe if using substances, when we feel shitty, we can make poor decisions, ones that we would not generally make. Don’t use feeling depressed about the holidays as an excuse to use excessively, unsafe or alone.
If you don’t want to be alone, find out what is going on in your community. Drop-in centres, support groups, church or other community resources are available over Christmas. The best free meals in every city happen around this time of year and several resources provide holiday parties, hampers and gifts.
The media would have us believe that at this time of year perfect families get together over the perfect meal to have a perfect time together. This is not the reality. These images are designed to make you want to buy stuff you don’t need or want, see them for what they are and don’t compare yourself or your situation to what we see in advertising.
Remember you are valued and appreciated. People care about you.
The Christmas season can be tough, but hang on; it only lasts a few weeks.
If you are feeling depressed or suicidal talk to someone.
Vancouver Crisis Line: 604-872-3311
Terrance takes another 24 Terrance shares his experiences in recovery, and provides some inspiration to those out there 'doing the daily grind'.Two Acoustic Guitar Songs David and Laura come to Van for a visit and talk about how they left the streets and what they are up to now.420 music 49th Peril represent East Van to the fullest. B-Ku and Corvid are known for tight lyrics, from homelessness to drugs to politics, they always speak the truth. Big ups to them for supporting Homeless Nation so please support these local cats whenever you can!Hip-Hop Politics Pt.1 Eekwol and Mils are a brother sister duo from Saskatoon representing for the First Nations People. Super talented with the right politics, support these two whenever and wherever you can. Big ups to them for supporting Homeless Nation.Illegal Evictions in the Downtown Eastside On Friday November 23rd, community activists, residents, tenants and local politicians came out to voice their concern over another illegal eviction in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The newest hotel, the Dominion, is being turned from a Single Room Occupancy hotel to a "chic boutique" just in time for the 2010 Olympic games. All residents will be out on the streets come December 31st. Spread the word about these illegal evictions, say NO to the gentrification of the eastside!
Audio e immagini del popolo degli invisibili senza voce |
La Nazione dei senza tetto
By Bimbesquatters
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